September 5, 2010

Drama Queen Ride-Cartecay Bikes from Mulberry Gap, Ellijay, Georgia

The Drama Queen ride was started three years ago by the crew at Cartecay Bikes after one rider had a bad day at one of the events they promoted. The person went on to post bad comments online about the event, thus- the Drama Queen ride was born. Two manditory requirements of the free ride are- you must wear a "crown" and after finishing you must go by the registration table to sign out and make a "complaint". The biggest complainers of the day win prizes. This years ride started and finished at Mulberry Gap mountain bikers get-a-way cabins and campground, and Diane and Ginni made us an awesome lunch of hamberger with all sorts of side dishes for only $10, and that included an after ride shower. What a deal, that place is great.
Mike and Terry of Cartecay Bikes are terrific at putting together fun rides, the "DQ" ride went up Pinhoti 1 and 2, then went up Bear Creek to the overlook, then up to Potatoe Patch and then on and on and on. I cheated and only road 22 miles of the 38 mile "short" route. There was also a crazy difficult 50 mile course. Put this one on your list of rides to do for next year.

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